Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Working hours and Criminal Minds

Since I started my new hours 3 months ago 2:30-11:30PM television has not been a thing a missed. But now some of my shows are coming back but my favorite show has changed. Criminal Minds has lost star Mandy Patankin. That's like losing a leg on a person. This guy made the show for me and since my other show (LOST!) is gone till February (Which is nuts in itself) I just don't miss anything on the tube. I found it different from the other cop shows and forensics shows it really had heart but Mandy made it tick. OOO well what can I do? Jean was talking about hear thieving groundhog today. I have a gang in my yard two. Moles, chipmunks and these crazy squirrel's. They try to throw nuts at us in the trees. Can't wait for everybody to start hibernating.

1 comment:

Jean said...

The groundhogs are thriving around here. DOn't know what used to keep the population under control, but whatever it was is not working too well anymore.