Friday, September 14, 2007

History and music

I spent a good part of the evening talking about the good olds at work. A co-worker used to hang out on Rte 35 in Sayerville in the early 80's as did I. So much has changed I cannot beleive it when I drive down there. The structures are the same but all the business has changed. My own modern day history. We also spoke about all the things we have seen in 40 plus years. Kennedy, Nixon , Reagen and Clinton. Cold war and the Berlin wall. PC's and the internet. Black and white TV and the radio to CD's and MP3s. I could go on forever. It is mind boggling to think about.... When I was chatting with Jean today I could really see how much passion we share. That always make me feel good. When you are so passionate it always feels good to share it with someone who really knows how you feel, THANKS JEAN! The Smithereens and Chuck Berry tomorrow HOT DAMN!

1 comment:

Jean said...

You're welcome, James, I admire your passion as well. I'll be here, cheering you on!

Together, perhaps we can change the world, eh?