Friday, August 24, 2007

Holy PULDA Batman

I went out today to see where a possible site for a cemetery of the Buckelews may be. The description lead me to Old Georges Rd in North Brunswick. I drove up first but I found a older gentleman cutting the grass so I opted for a walk up. As I walked the rows of corn I got that good feeling I have not had in a while. The feeling of discovering something new. I really need that ever once and a while to recharge my batteries. So as I walked up the dirt driveway I felt that battery charge hitting me in each step I took. Finally I stopped and he shut off the John Deere. "Hi my name is James and I am a local historian looking for a family plot on this land". Then it hit me square between the eyes, PULDA, it was on the mailbox across the street. This was owned by Toll Brothers it was owned by the Morris Company. There I was back in the Morris saddle again. Gus was very friendly and explained to me Mr. Morris likes for him to continue the upkeep of the farm since the elder Mr. Pulda is primarily incapacitated. He also mentioned the daughters of the other Pulda brother cut him off from Mr. Pulda. He had worked for him and cared for him for many years. One day they moved him to a new nursing home and cut Gus out completely. He had been visiting every Sunday for years. I thanked him and walked onto the property with his blessing. Lord knows I did mention EVA (HAHAHAH). The home stands with everything in tack looks like he will walk home any day. Has a lot of barns, coops, corn crib, outhouses and other structures. A long walk path covered in concord grape vines, I loved that. It's old but still charming, I'll hate to see it go but things look in bad condition once you looked closely. The area where the cemetery may lay, if it is really there, is covered in brush, fruit trees and weeds. There is no way in the world I will be able to examine it till winter when all the growth dies out. It is a daunting task to cover all that overgrown area but I can imagine a cemetery buried in there so deep no knows it is there. How will History Man cut the brush? Will he encounter the evil Morris in his journey? Are there lost souls calling out to him? Stay tuned for this and other questions to be answered, same bat time same bat channel!

1 comment:

Jean said...

Where did my comment go?

Anyhow, supposedly, North Brunswick already knows about the family plot on that Pulda Farm. I spoke to Mark Hommer just the other night.

However, someone really needs to press the point. I think, at the very least, the cemetery should be delineated and fenced off from development.

I also think this is the other Morris.