Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Free at last, Free at last, thank god almighty

When we get to the 4Th I always think about the Road to Monmouth and the revolution. It makes me think about the lives of our local slaves and how they were effected by the war. It has been documented throughout the north that owners sent the slaves off to war in the owners names. I feel that was such a cowardly act. Send this man to battle for your countries freedom while he has no freedom of his own. That is indeed irony. Some were promised freedom but returned to life as usual. How sad could this man's heart be to have been lied to in such a way? I imagine they knew in their hearts before they even returned. This historical and educational journey I travel has taught me to be thankful. I live in a time when blacks can do whatever they want and reach goals once thought unattainable as Barack Obama is proving by becoming the highest fund raiser 33 million that is astounding for any candidate. I am so thankful to all who lost their lives and suffered for me and my family. When I think of Independence Day I think of the freedoms my people have come to take for granted. I do not take this for granted, I remember Selma, Montgomery, Memphis and all the rest of those towns, even George Wallace on his capital steps vowing not to let the niggers in. I harbor no anger but I remember the pain of it. As every black American should and if they are too young my generation should remind them of it, that is our responsibility. I am proud to be an American and I am thankful to have opportunities my parents did not have. I hope to instill that in my children and my grandchildren. Happy 4th to all.....

1 comment:

Jean said...

And a Hppy 4th to you as well.

I too remember the days of Selma and George Wallace. It was painful to watch and even more painful to try to understand. It was alien to how I was brought up and became a kind of "coming of age" for me to realize the harsh reality of prejudice in the world.

We must never take our freedom for granted. It is the very reason we always need to question, to challenge, and to fight for what we believe in. As well, we also need to teach others of freedom's value, especially our children. All the more reason to get your voice into the schools.