Friday, July 13, 2007

Sometimes you need to stop and be thankful

On my way to work today I reflected on my life a bit. The family, the marriage , the history, the health and all the things that go into making a life. My overall conclusion is I am a very blessed man. My wife and I have been together for 30 years this year, 24 of them married. My kids are healthy and safe trying to make a life for themselves. My health is good and I had a decent check up this month. I found my passion and my voice in history. I have made good relationships and lasting friendships. I feel good being James and though times get rough they go back to smooth too and make life livable. Yea corny, cheesy, but I don't care I see so many unhappy and miserable people, with more possessions than my parents have had there entire lives. Sometimes you need to be thankful for the little things and appreciate the big ones, that's what gets you through the bad times and keeps me smiling and cheerful most days. Thank god for the good things in my life and the strength to make it through the bad things. And keep a eye out for those seniors, most of us will be there someday and I want someone to keep a eye out for me.


JuJu's Place said...

Thanks for 'stopping by'~
Wow- a historian- great to see someone dedicated to doing what they love!

Jean said...

It's a pleasure to hear someone appreciating life for a change. It is far easier to complain than talke about the good things.

We are blessed with so much. Thanks for reminding me of how grateful we should be.