Saturday, April 07, 2007

Hey Don Imus, you have a nappy head too....

"Bunch of nappy headed Ho's" That is the term Don Imus used on the radio last week and he is now in some very hot water. This is truly "a black thing". I very rarely use that phrase because I feel it is a bit divisive but when a term like this is used it has to be addressed that way. I feel I have a right to address Donald, my grandmother, my mother, my wife and my daughters are all black. I know a little bit about nappy and Ho's and next to being addressed as a "bitch" there are not many other terms more insulting to a black women or girl. First you have to understand the difficulty in hair care when you have hair that may become nappy, it is a nightmare. Basically chemicals, hot combs (iron comb heated over a flame and ran through your hair, just imagine that!) and flat irons are the only things that can help this problem and you cannot use them every day. Imagine whenever you wash your hair, BOING, it gets nappy. My daughter has suffered with this for years and it is a issue that can bring her to tears. (Makes a dad feel exceptionally useless) Being called a whore (ho) or prostitute needs no explanation. Put those words into a old white man who has no idea the years of suffrage about looks and perception in the black community, that's quite a recipe for disaster. It's no help that Imus has no taste either. Apparently no compassion as well. The black community will ask for his head and we should get it, this has been a sore subject back to slavery. Not only is humans in slavery a hideous idea, think about the hygiene issues and the fact that you could not take care of yourself properly. Even the owners had issues but also had resources to deal with it. What I heard in his words and my fellow blacks heard was, "nappy little niggers, good for only one thing". Think about it and repeat his words. "Bunch of nappy headed Ho's". Imus may not have meant to insult the community but he did, and did it in such a way I find inexcusable.


Jean said...

I don't even know what to say about this issue. I have casually watched Imus on MSNBC in the morning and, while I find some things he says offensive, he usually can make sense of things.

What he hell was he thinking on this one? The remark was beyond offensive. I read about it in the news and could hardly believe it. I suppose he thought he was being funny, but the truth of it is, for someone to come up with a comment like that suggests there is an underlying prejudice and insensitivity he's been trying to hide. (Reminds me of the Mel Gibson thing and the Michael Richards incident.)All these people put on the front of tolerance while hiding deep and angry beliefs.

Your analysis of Imus's comments puts a whole new perspective on his words. Chilling.

Hard to know how to react beyond the intial shock and revulsion. This one just leaves my mouth hanging open in total bewilderment.

Jean said...

By the by, the Rutgers Women's Basketball team deserves nothing but praise. I know they lost in the end, but when you consider they were all essentially underclassmen it was nothing short of amazing.

Wish it could have had the total fairy tale ending, but I guess reality decided to take charge instead...and Tennessee is one really fine team.

James said...

It was a frighting statement I just hope people can hear it for what it really was....

Claire said...

i haven't the faintest idea who don imus is, and clearly don't want to. but seems to me that he probably has issues with women generally, as well as issues on race, to deal with. "ho" is offensive to any woman and put with that other part of his comment (which is beyond my brand of english ...)...i guess his career, whatever it was, is history!