Friday, April 13, 2007

New Public Service Announcement

Thank goodness Governor Corzine (New Jersey) made it out of this accident alive with no brain damage. His body has suffered a high level trauma and it seems he will take at least three months to recuperate. Of course much of this would have been avoided if he had WORN his seat belt. If ever there was an example of the cost of not wearing the belt this surely would be the most visible one. In my mind I see the healed Governor months from now on a national Public Service message explaining the great importance of seat belts. He has survived and it seems he will mend, I hope he takes it to the next level and gets the message out on seat belt safety.


Jean said...

So apparently, the Governor of NJ, which has a mandatory seat belt law was not wearing his. And, the driver was a NJ State Trooper.

What a fine example of obeying the law.

Glad he is apparently going to be OK, but what a lesson.

Claire said...

it's compulsory over here too ...

hope he's going to be fined or whatever the penalty is when he recovers from his injuries!

Claire said...

actually, do you want a man that stupid to be your governor? whatever your political persuasion LOL

James said...

That's funny Claire HEHEHEH