Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Opening old wounds...

I was thinking about sending some personal invites to the farm event to people who have been so helpful to me over the years. Plainsboro, Cranbury and Freehold historical groups have really helped me in my research. Of course now I am thinking about all the towns around me with historical societies and my town has none. It was said that when we had one in the 1980's the chairwoman got frustrated and dumped all the information at the library, which explains why the library has so much great information. We have some good locations and possibilities but we don't have the people. There are small bands of us throughout the township trying to preserve history here, but we have no consolidated efforts. Maybe once Titus is over and the Van Dyke farm is saved I should open a dialogue for residents on this subject, there are a lot of people with items needed to be collected but one person cannot do it. (God bless you Ceil) Maybe I should stop wondering and start some action....


Jean said...

If we had a place to set things up, we might actually inspire some interest in a historical society. It's hard when there is no real central location to encourage interest.

Ah, well, we can dream.

Apparently, there are good records for the Brainard Cemetery in Cranbury by the Church. I will try to follow up with the right people an let you know if I can find anything there in regard to slave records.

James said...

why thank you, me lady!