Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday is a snow out...

The Van Dyke farm will have to wait till Sunday. That is good because it gives me a little more time to get myself together. Digging out my car was a challenge today. The plows came through in the early morning hours and the snow they pushed froze solid. I have to go with the the 7 Iron shovel and chip away to get my cars out. Yes cars. All the drivers are women in my house (3) plus me. Dad gets to shovel out the cars and then my reward was a trip to the supermarket for groceries. What a day, dig out cars, chose food, load food, pay then load car unload car and bring in house and unload at home. I AM BUSHED. I'd rather be thumbing through a 100 year old musky book....


Jean said...

That's what I was afraid of with this storm. My tractor could only scrape off the top layer in most places. By afternoon, though, it had turned to slush and some had even melted down to the pavement.

Glad I didn't need to shovel much. Don't think I could have tolerated it.

See you at the farm!!

Jean said...

Wait, I think we meet first a Bill's house.

Claire said...

maybe, james, you should point the ladies in your house at jean for an example .... it don't take a man!!!

rather you than me, ages since we had it that bad .. (i was too young to remember it lol)

Jean said...

James, Caroline's horse blog is:

She has some really entertaining adventures.