Friday, March 23, 2007

The sometimes makes no sense....

I woke this morning to hear the news person explaining that 15 British Naval members had been taken to Iran while in Iraq waters. That made no sense to me as these thing usually don't make sense. As if we don't have enough trouble dealing with Iraq Iran throws it's hat in the ring full force. Lord I pray this is a temporary set back and can be resolved quickly..God willing..


Jean said...

I don't even know what to say about the mess in the Middle East any more. Bush has stirred up a hornet's nest and there is no way to protect against all the stings.

We can only hope this resolves soon as is not some truly dangerous power play against us and out depleted forces.

Jean said...

That's supposed to be "our depleted forces."

cptrayes said...

The Marines were taken from disputed waters James. Iran says the sea in that area is part of their dominion, and Britain says that it is Iraqi. We needed to settle the dispute, stay out of those waters, or have those marines better defended.

Iran has always been involved with Iraq, it's not just wading in now. It is a neighbouring Muslim state and you cannot attack Muslims in one country and expect Muslims in other countries to just sit and watch - they often value their shared Islamic beliefs more highly than country boundaries - and that's often because, as in this case, those boundaries were artificially created in the last 100 years or less by Western governments.

I'm a white English woman, by the way, but before the Iraq invasion my husband and I predicted this outcome. Millions of people in this country marched against the Iraq war and were ignored by our Prime Minister who seemed in thrall to your President. If WE could predict this, why could no-one in power?


cptrayes said...

To understand why they join in, think of Countries, (Iraq, Iran) as US States instead. They are about the same size and they share a powerful value set in the same way. They hold that value set and "brotherhood" as more important than their "State" boundary, just as a US citizen would.


Jean said...

I frequent an international discussion board where our invasion of Iraq was a hotly disputed topic. I too was opposed to the invasion from the first, but Bush doesn't listen to people like me. *nor very many reasonable citizens*

We have failed over and over again to understand how the people of the Middle East feel about their lands, as if we have some kind of right to just move in and take possession because "we know what's best for them."

Our Iraqui policy is a disaster, totally out of touch with the culture and politics of the area.

Now, out of the same arrogance, we are challenging Iran. Whyever the British Marines were in those waters, it was just one more symptom of an inflated concept of Western "rights" in an area that belongs to someone else.

I do hope this has a peaceful resolution.

Claire said...

i'm with caroline on this one. and the boundaries were mostly drawn up by us (the west, but essentially the UK) because of ..... the oil of course. (oh, and as a boundary against russia as well! and that was pre communism, i seem to recall ....)