Monday, March 19, 2007

A day without history is like a day without sunshine

Sunday was a great day for me. The New York Times reporter Courtney came out to the farm to write a story on the struggle to save it and the slavery aspect. Before I knew it we were at 4 hours and she was heading back home to New York. I can talk about history for hours at a time, it feels like time is standing still for me. It's even better when I am surrounded by people who love it as well. I realized yesterday I lose myself into it with a joyous feeling that comes over me. There are not many things that bring such passion to me, family, but nothing else.
Seems I have missed my calling in life. Teaching, researcher, lecturing all aspects of history appeal to me on deep levels. With that passion comes pain also. Feeling so passionate about something makes it hard when you cannot create that excitement in others. I try and enjoy the small victories. When I can see the spark in someones eyes when they get it, come to understand the importance I can see, it washes over me and makes it all worth. Taking it person by person keeps me going, there are many like me out there, I have to keep working to find them.
In the mean time I keep working and researching, while allowing my EVA Er's to energize my batteries like they did yesterday. I do not believe they even realize how important it is for me to have afternoons like we did Sunday. This kind of passion I cannot really share with a co-worker, friend or even my wife. They are excited for me but they cannot feel the passion or share that passion with me. Yesterday we all reveled in the passion, let it sweep us away, and shared it with someone young who could feel it too. Damn, I need more Sundays like this Sunday.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Ah, yes, we share the passion, and Sunday was a great day. I suppose some people would never understand how we could all spend so much time on one topic. I do understand your ethusiasm and truly appreciate it. It's rare to find someone who puts the sweat and tears into something the way you have. We EVA'ers...and you are one too...really believe in our world.